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Ing. Martin Chadim

588 52  Horní Dubenky 33
Mob.: +420 724 374 167
E-mail: info@chadimmlyn.cz



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Tento projekt vznikl za finanční podpory
kraje Vysočina

Fond Vysočiny

Kudyznudy.cz - tipy na výlet

Pod Javořicí



Reservations (occupied whole) camp: 12.6. - 16.6. 2024, 29.6. -  7.7. 2024

From May to September you can pitch a tent or park a caravan on grassy areas around the mill. There is a place for 8 tents or caravans. Three outdoor electric connections, WC, shower, kitchenette, washing machine and social room with TV are at the disposal.

Due to the nature reserve Minikemp only the number of tents and guests , rather than individual sites (you can select from the current options ) .

You can lodge in the Šalanda (double room with the solid fuel stove,without sanitary facilities).

Camp is certified by the center for eco-agro tourism - ECET - and by the Union of Rural Tourism.


As a guest you can use:

  • large grass plot and garden furniture round the whole building
  • area for children
  • several fireplaces, portable grill, needs for grilling
  • different sporting goods and party games (ping-pong, table soccer…)
  • internet connection
  • tips for trips
  • sale of maps, postcards and tourist souvenirs
  • convenient location at the crossing of roads and bicycle lanes


Price per day
Person 120,- Kč
Child (up to 2 years) 0,- Kč
Child (up to 12 years) 60,- Kč
Car 50,- Kč
Small tent 100,- Kč
Big tent 150,- Kč
Caravan 100,- Kč
Camper 150,- Kč
Dog 50,- Kč
El. connection 100,- Kč
Bike 0,- Kč